One of the Best "Everyday" Sauces Around
I de cided we should look at a sauce w it h a much more appro achable heat level. That brings us to a sauce from Rising Smoke SauceWorks fro m my friend Mike Palmatier out of the great state of North Carolina where they specialize in hot sauce and barbeque sauce. Mike believes "you should smoke 'em if you got 'em". As you probably guessed based on the name of the company, all of his sauces start with smoked peppers. Today we're looking at the Scovie Award winning Smoldering Embers. They classify this as a medium sauce on their scale. The bottle lists it as simply having "blistering heat". Let's start with the ingredients: water, tomatoes, vinegar, onion, smoked habanero pepper, roasted red pepper, garlic, salt, spices, and cayenne pepper. As you can see from the picture I've included, this sauce is bright red and you can see that it has texture and herbs/spices floating around in it. Its a thinner sauce but not watery by any stretch. The her...